वक्ता द्वारा कही हुए या पढ़ी हुई बात को दुबारा कहना या लिखना ही Narration, Speech या कथन कहलाता है। Narration दो प्रकार के होते है- 1. Direct Narration 2. Indirect Narration

    1. Direct Narration: जब अपनी बात को मूल रूप (जैसा सुना या पढा है) मे व्यक्त करते है उसे Direct Narration कहते हैं। जैसे- He says,I read newspaper daily.” इसे inverted commas के अंदर रखते हैं। 
    2. Indirect Narration: जब किसी (पढ़ी हुई, सुनी हुई, देखी हुई अनुभव की हुई) बात को अपने शब्दों मे व्यक्त करते हैं उसे Indirect Narration कहते हैं। जैसे- He says that he reads newspaper daily. इसमे Inverted commas का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।

    Narration in English Grammar | Types of Narration in English Grammar

    Direct से Indirect Narration मे बदलने के कुछ सामान्य नियम

    1. Reporting speech का Tense नहीं बदलता है। यदि Reporting Speech मे Object आया हो तो इसके Verb, said को Reported Speech के Tense तथा भाव के अनुसार tells, told, asked, requested, ordered, advised आदि मे बदल देते हैं। 
    2. Comma तथा Inverted Commas हटाकर Reported Speech के Sentence के अनुसार उचित Conjunction जैसे- that, if या whether का प्रयोग करते हैं।
    3. Reported Speech मे तीन परिवर्तन करते है-
    I.                    Tense
    II.                  Person
    III.                Nearness of time/Place

    Kind of sentences: अर्थ की दृष्टि से वाक्य पाँच प्रकार के होते हैं।

     1.      Assertive Sentences
    2.      Interrogative Sentences
    3.      Imperative Sentences
    4.      Optative Sentences
    5.      Exclamatory Sentences


    Assertive Sentences


    Structure of Direct Narration

     -------------, ”----------▼----------“

    Reporting Speech    Reported Speech

    Inverted commas के अंदर वाले Speech को Reported Speech कहते हैं, इसका पहला Letter Capital होता है। Reporting Speech, Inverted Commas से बाहर होता है तथा इसे Comma द्वारा अलग करते हैं। यह Reported Speech के शुरू में या बाद में हो सकता है।

    Note: यदि Reporting Speech मे Object आया हो तो- says to को tells मे, say to को tell तथा, said to को told में बदल देते हैं।

    Direct Narration को Indirect Narration में बदलते समय Reporting Speech मे उपरोक्त के अलावा कुछ भी नहीं बदलते है। Reported Speech में निम्न तीन परिवर्तन होते हैं-

    1.      Tense        
    2.  Person         
    3.  Nearness of Time/Place

    Tense में परिवर्तन के नियम

     1. Reporting Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।

    2. Reporting Speech यदि Present Tense या Future Tense मे हो तो Reported Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं। Ex. 1, 2

    3. Reporting Speech यदि Past Tense मे हो तो Reported Speech के Tense मे निम्न परिवर्तन करते हैं-

    a. Present Indefinite Tense को बदलकर Past Indefinite Tense में कर देते हैं। Ex. 3

    b. Present Continuous Tense को बदलकर Past Continuous Tense में कर देते हैं। Ex. 4

    c. Present Perfect Tense को बदलकर Past Perfect Tense में कर देते हैं। Ex. 5

    d. Present Perfect Continuous Tense को बदलकर Past Perfect Continuous Tense में कर देते हैं। Ex. 6

    e. Past Indefinite Tense को बदलकर Past Perfect Tense में कर देते हैं। Ex. 7

    f. Past Continuous Tense को बदलकर Past Perfect Continuous Tense में कर देते हैं। Ex. 8

    g. Past Perfect Tense तथा Past Perfect Continuous Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं। Ex. 9, 10

    h. will को would मे, can को could में, shall को should में तथा, may को might मे बदल देते हैं। Ex. 11, 12

    i. would, could, should, might, used to, ought to, must, need मे कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं। Ex. 14, 15

     For example

     1. Direct: He says to me, "I will complete the project."
    Indirect: He says to me that he will complete the project.
    2.Direct: "I have finished reading the book," He will say
    Indirect: He will say that he has finished reading the book.
    3. Direct: She said to her mother, "I want to go to the concert,".
    Indirect: She told her mother that she wanted to go to the concert.
    4. Direct: Ravi said to his mother, “Prachi is not going to school today.”
    Indirect: Ravi told his mother that Prachi was not going to school that day.
    5.Direct: The teacher said to Mohini, “You have done well.”
    Indirect: The teacher told Mohini that she had done well.
    6. Direct: The mother said to me,” Your father has been working for two hours.”
    Indirect: The mother told me that my father had been working for two hours.
    7.Direct: Ajay said, “Monika did not complete her homework.”
    Indirect: Ajay said that Monika had not completed her homework.
    8.Direct: Annu said, “Her friend was going to buy a ring.”
    Indirect: Annu said that her friend had been going to buy a ring.
    9.Direct: Asman said to Neha, “She had studied the whole night.”
    Indirect: Asman told Neha that she had studied the whole night.
    10.  Direct: Aman said to me, “I had been waiting for you for four days.”
    Indirect: Aman told me that he had been waiting for me for four days.
    11.  Direct: She said, "I can solve this problem easily,".
    Indirect: She said that she could solve the problem easily.
    12.  Direct: He said to me, "I will be there on time,".
    Indirect: He told me that he would be there on time.
    13.  Direct: He commented, "She has a beautiful voice,".
    Indirect: He commented that she had a beautiful voice.
    14.  Direct: "We must improve our sales figures," he emphasized.
    Indirect: He emphasized that they must improve their sales figures.
    15.  Direct: "We should start the meeting at 9 a.m.," He said.
    Indirect: He said that they should start the meeting at 9 a.m.

     Tense में परिवर्तन संबंधी कुछ अपवाद:

    निम्नलिखित दशाओं में Reporting Verb के Past Tense में होने के बावजूद Reported Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं-

     1.      Universal Truth (सार्वकालिक सत्य)
    2.      Historical Facts (ऐतिहासिक तथ्य)
    3.      Idioms and Proverbs (मुहावरें व कहावतें)
    4.      Habitual Action (आदत संबंधी कार्य)

     For example

     1.    Direct: The geography teacher said to us,The Sun remains stationary while the planets revolve around the Sun.”
    2.      Indirect: The geography teacher told us that the Sun remains stationary while the planets revolve around the Sun.
    3.      Direct:My mother said, “God is one.”
    Indirect: My mother said that God is one.
    4.      Direct: Manju said, “Rama had killed Ravana before he returned Ayodhya.”
    Indirect: Manju said that Rama had killed Ravana before he returned Ayodhya.
    5.      Direct: Rishabh said to me, “Honesty is the best policy.”
    Indirect: Rishabh told  me that honesty is the best policy.
    6.      Direct: My father said, “The dog wags its tail after seeing the owner.”
    Indirect: My father said that the dog wags its tail after seeing the owner.

    Person में परिवर्तन के नियम

    1. Reporting Speech के Person में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं।
    2. Reported Speech के 1st Person Pronoun को Reporting Speech के Subject के Person, Number तथा Gender के अनुसार बदल देते हैं। Ex. 1, 2, 3
    3. Reported Speech के 2nd Person Pronoun को Reporting Speech के Object के Person,Number तथा Gender के अनुसार बदल देते हैं। Ex. 4, 5, 6
    4. यदि Reporting Speech में Object ना आया हो और Reported Speech मे 2nd आया हो तो उसे Reported Speech के भाव के अनुसार 1st person या 3rd person में बदल देते हैं। Ex. 8
    5. Reported Speech के 3rd Person Noun या Pronoun में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं। Ex. 7

     For example

     1.  Direct:         I said, “I take tea in my breakfast every day.”
    Indirect:           I said that I took tea in my breakfast every day.
    2.      Direct:       You said, “I am learning my lesson.”
    Indirect:           You said that you were learning your lesson.
    3.      Direct:       Ranjana said, “I have completed my work.”
    Indirect:           Ranjana said that she had completed her work.
    4.      Direct:       Hemant said to me, “You are a good person.”
    Indirect:           Hemant told me that I was a good person.
    5.      Direct:       Mahima said to you, “You are not a fool.”
    Indirect:           Mahima told you that you were not a fool.
    6.      Direct:       Amit said to him, “You are not doing work.”
    Indirect:           Amit told him that he was not doing work.
    7.      Direct:       You said to me, “They are so happy.”
    Indirect:           You told me that they were so happy.
    8.      Direct:       She said, “You do not complete your work at time.”
    Indirect:           She said that I did not complete my work at time.

    Persons के Subjective, Objective, और Possessive Case:


    Subjective Case

    Objective Case

    Possessive Case

    First Person

    I, We

    Me, Us

    My, Mine, Our, Ours

    Second Person



    Your, Yours

    Third Person

    He, She, It, They

    Him, Her, It, Them

    His, Her, Hers, Its, Their, Theirs


    निकटता सूचक शब्दों मे परिवर्तन के नियम

    Reported Speech मे आए हुये निकटता सूचक शब्दों को दूरी प्रकट करने वाले शब्दों में बदल देते हैं। Chart देखें-

    Ago           को            before               में 
    Come        को            go                      में
    Here          को            there                 में  
    Hence        को           thence               में  
    Now          को            then                  में
    This           को            that                   में
    These        को            those                 में
    Thus          को           so                       में
    Tonight     को           that night          में
    Today        को           that day             में
    Tomorrow को  the next day या following day में
    Yesterday    को the previous day या
                               the day before         में
    Last night/week/
    month/year   को the previous night/
                               week/month/year  में
    month/year    को following week/
                                month/year           में

    For example:

    1.       Direct:           She said, "I shall meet you here tomorrow."
    Indirect:               She said that she would meet me there the next day.

    2.       Direct:          He said, "The party is happening tonight at my place."
    Indirect:               He said that the party was happening that night at his place.

    3.       Direct:           They said, "We are going to the beach this weekend."
    Indirect:               They said that they were going to the beach that weekend.

    4.       Direct:          She said, "I saw him at the supermarket now."
    Indirect:               She said that she had seen him at the supermarket then.

    5.       Direct:          He said, "I am leaving for London in an hour."
    Indirect:               He said that he was leaving for London in an hour.

    6.       Direct:          She said, "I'm meeting John at the café later."
    Indirect:               She said that she was meeting John at the café later.

    7.       Direct:           He said, "I just arrived home."
    Indirect:               He said that he had just arrived home.

    8.       Direct:          They said, "We are leaving for the airport in a few minutes."
    Indirect:               They said that they were leaving for the airport in a few minutes.

    9.       Direct:          She said, "I'll be back in a moment."
    Indirect:               She said that she would be back in a moment.

    10.   Direct:           He said, "The concert starts at 8 o'clock tonight."
    Indirect:               He said that the concert started at 8 o'clock that night.

    11.   Direct:            They said, "We are having lunch at that new restaurant today."
    Indirect:               They said that they were having lunch at the new restaurant that day.

    12.   Direct:           She said, "I'll meet you at the library right after class tomorrow."
    Indirect:               She said that she would meet me at the library right after class the next day.

    13.   Direct:            He said, "I saw her last week near the park."
    Indirect:               He said that he had seen her the previous week near the park.

    Interrogative Sentences

    ऐसे वाक्य जिनमें प्रश्न का बोध हो Interrogative Sentences कहलाते हैं। Interrogative Sentences को Direct से Indirect में बदलते समय निम्न नियमों का प्रयोग करते हैं-

    1.      Reporting Speech के Verb said को asked या inquired of में बदल देते हैं।
    2.    Conjunction ‘that’ का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं।
    3.      Sentence यदि Helping Verb से शुरू हुआ हो तो Conjunction ‘if’ या ‘whether’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।
    4.      जब पसंद या विकल्प का भाव प्रकट करना हो तो whether का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।
    5.  Sentence यदि Question word से शुरू हुआ हो तो उस Question word को ही Conjunction के रूप में प्रयोग करते हैं। Ex. 2, 9, 15
    6.      Reported Speech के Interrogative Sentence को Assertive Sentence में बदल देते हैं।
    7.      Question mark का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं।
    8.      Tense, Person तथा निकटता सूचक शब्दों मे Assertive Sentence के नियमों का पालन करते हैं।

     For example:

     1.       Direct    : She said, "Are you coming to the party?"

    Indirect   : She asked if I was coming to the party.
    2.       Direct    : He said, "Where did you put the keys?"
    Indirect  : He asked where I had put the keys.
    3.       Direct    : They said, "Will you be attending the meeting?"
    Indirect  : They asked if I would be attending the meeting.
    4.       Direct    : She said, "Have you finished your homework?"
    Indirect  : She asked if I had finished my homework.
    5.       Direct    : He said, "Did you see the movie last night?"
    Indirect    : He asked if I had seen the movie the previous night.
    6.       Direct    : They said, "Can you lend me some money?"
    Indirect   : They asked if I could lend them some money.
    7.       Direct    : She said, "Are you going to the concert?"
    Indirect   : She asked if I was going to the concert.
    8.       Direct    : He said, "Did you have breakfast this morning?"
    Indirect   : He asked if I had had breakfast that morning.
    9.       Direct    : She said, "Why are you late?"
    Indirect   : She asked why I was late.
    10.   Direct    : He said, "Are you feeling okay?"
    Indirect   : He asked if I was feeling okay.
    11.   Direct    : They said, "Did you see the accident?"
    Indirect  : They asked if I had seen the accident.
    12.   Direct    : She said, "Can you pass me the salt?"
    Indirect   : She asked if I could pass her the salt.
    13.   Direct    : He said, "Have you ever been to Delhi?"
    Indirect : He asked if I had ever been to Delhi.
    14.   Direct    : They said, "Will you help us with the project?"
    Indirect  : They asked if I would help them with the project.
    15.   Direct    : She said, "Why did you not enjoy the concert?"
    Indirect   : She asked why I had not enjoyed the concert.
    16.   Direct    : He asked, "Is it going to rain tomorrow?"
    Indirect   : He asked if it was going to rain the next day.
    17.   Direct    : He said to Rita, “Can you lend me 500 rupees?”, Rita said, “Yes.”
    Indirect : He asked Rita if she (Rita) could lend him 500 rupees. Rita replied that she could.
    18.   Direct    : The teacher said to Sneha, “Are you writing notes?”, Sneha, “No.”
    Indirect : The teacher asked Sneha if she was writing notes, Sneha replied that she wasn’t.

    Imperative Sentences

    ऐसे वाक्य जिनसे Order, Request, Suggestion, Advice आदि प्रकट होते हैं उन्हे Imperative Sentences कहते हैं। इसमे कर्ता You छिपा रहता है तथा Sentence, Main Verb से शुरू होता है। Imperative Sentences को Direct से Indirect में बदलते समय निम्न नियमों का प्रयोग करते हैं-
    1.      Reporting Speech के Verb को Reported Speech के भाव के अनुसार ordered, commanded, requested, suggested, advised, proposed, offered इत्यादि मे बदल देते हैं।
    2.      Reported Speech के Vocative Case के Noun को Reporting Speech का Object बना देते हैं।
    3.      जब Reported Speech, Negative हो (Do not/Don't) से शुरू हुआ हो तो उसे indirect में बदलने की दो विधियाँ हैं-
      (a)- Reporting Verb, said को forbade मे बदल देते हैं, तथा Reported Speech में आए हुये Do not को हटा कर मुख्य क्रिया से पहले to लगा देते हैं। Ex. 8
      (b)- Reporting Verb, said को Reported Speech के भाव के अनुसार ordered, requested, suggested, advised आदि मे बदल देते हैं, तथा Reported Speech में से Do को हटा देते हैं तथा मुख्य क्रिया से पहले to लगा देते हैं। Ex. 8
     (c)- Never वाले वाक्यों में forbade का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं। Ex. 9
    4. Tense, Person तथा निकटता सूचक शब्दों मे Assertive Sentence के नियमों का पालन करते हैं।

     For example

     1.      Direct: The professor said to the students, "Submit your assignments by Friday."
    Indirect: The professor instructed the students to submit their assignments by Friday.
    2.      Direct: The teacher said to the students, "Read the chapter before the next class."
    Indirect: The teacher advised the students to read the chapter before the next class.
    3.      Direct: The teacher said to the students, "Revise your essays for grammar errors."
    Indirect: The teacher ordered the students to revise their essays for grammar errors.
    4.      Direct: The professor said to the students, "Attend the lecture on Monday."
    Indirect: The professor informed the students to attend the lecture on Monday.
    5.      Direct: The father said to Mamta, "Prepare a presentation on the topic."
    Indirect: The father suggested Mamta to prepare a presentation on the topic.
    6.      Direct: The teacher said, "Complete your topic by the weekend, students."
    Indirect: The teacher ordered the students to complete their topic by the weekend.
    7.      Direct: The Math teacher said to the students, "Practice solving Math problems regularly."
    Indirect: The Math teacher commanded the students to practice solving Math problems regularly.
    8.      Direct: The language teacher said to the students, "Don’t review the vocabulary list for the exam."
    Indirect: The language teacher ordered the students not to review the vocabulary list for the exam.
     The language teacher forbade the students to review the vocabulary list for the exam.
    9.      Direct: I said to my brother,Never touch my books.”
    Indirect: I ordered my brother never to touch my books.
    10.Direct: The professor said to the students, "Refer to the textbook for further information."
    Indirect: The professor advised the students to refer to the textbook for further information.

    कभी कभी Imperative Sentences, Interrogative Sentences की तरह लगते हैं, इनसे request का भाव प्रकट होता है। ऐसे वाक्यों को Indirect में बदलते समय Reporting Verb, said को Reported Speech के भाव के अनुसार बदल देते हैं। जैसे-

     1. Direct: She said to me, “Would you please give me your notebook?”
    Indirect: She requested me to give her my notebook.
    2. Direct: Ravi said, “Could I use your marker?”
    Indirect: Ravi requested to use my marker.
    3. Direct: Muskan said to me, “Would you like to have a coffee?”
    Indirect: Muskan offered me a coffee.
    4. Direct: The announcer said to them, “Would you like to sit down?”
    Indirect: The announcer requested them to sit down.

     “Let” वाले Imperative Sentences

     Let से शुरू होने वाले Imperative Sentences को Direct से Indirect में बदलते समय निम्न नियमों का प्रयोग करते हैं-


    Proposal (प्रस्ताव)

    Let से शुरू होने वाले Imperative Sentences में यदि Proposal का भाव हो तो निम्न नियमों का प्रयोग करते हैं-

    1.      Reporting Verb को proposed या suggested में बदल देते हैं।
    2.      Inverted Commas को हटाकर Conjunction ‘that’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।
    3.      Let को हटाकर Subject के बाद should का प्रयोग करते हैं।

     For example

     1.   Direct: Some boys said, "Let's organize a study group for the upcoming exam."
    Indirect: Some boys proposed that they should organize a study group for the upcoming exam.
    2.       Direct: The class monitor said, "Let's consider alternative solutions to the problem."
    Indirect: The class monitor suggested that they should consider alternative solutions to the problem.
    3.       Direct: I said to my friends, "Let's investigate the impact of social media on society."
    Indirect: I suggested my friends that we should investigate the impact of social media on society.
    4.       Direct: "Let's suggest a budget allocation for the project."
    Indirect: The proposal was made to suggest a budget allocation for the project.

     Request (प्रार्थना)  

     Let से शुरू होने वाले Imperative Sentences में यदि Request का भाव हो तो निम्न नियमों का प्रयोग करते हैं-
    1.      Reporting Verb को requested में बदल देते हैं।
    2.     Conjunction that का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं।
    3.     Let से पहले to का प्रयोग करते हैं, तथा मुख्य क्रिया का पहला रूप लगते हैं। let के बाद सदैव Objective Case का प्रयोग करते हैं।

    For example

     1.    Direct: She said, "Let me borrow your notes for the class."
    Indirect: She requested to let her borrow my notes for the class.
    She requested that she might be allowed to borrow my notes for the class.
    2.      Direct: "Let him speak first during the presentation.", The teacher said.
    Indirect: The teacher requested to let him speak first during the presentation.
    3.      Direct: I said to my friend, "Let's not interrupt each other during the meeting."
    Indirect: I requested my friend not to interrupt each other during the meeting.
    4.      Direct: He said, "Let me know if you can attend the conference."
    Indirect: He requested to let him know if I could attend the conference.
    5.      Direct: The engineer said to her, "Let me know if you need any further assistance."
    Indirect: The engineer requested her to let him know if she needed any further assistance.
    6.      Direct: The owner said, "Let's all contribute to the charity fundraiser."
    Indirect: The owner requested to let us all contribute to the charity fundraiser.

    Order (आदेश)

     Let से शुरू होने वाले Imperative Sentences में यदि Order का भाव हो तो निम्न नियमों का प्रयोग करते हैं-
    1.      Reporting Verb,said को ordered में बदल देते हैं।
    2.      Conjunction ‘that’ का प्रयोग करते हैं, तथा Noun या Pronoun के बाद should का प्रयोग करते हैं।

    For example

     1.   Direct: The teacher said, "Let the students line up outside the classroom."
    Indirect: The teacher ordered that the students should line up outside the classroom.
    2.       Direct: The principal said, "Let everyone submit their assignments by tomorrow."
    Indirect: The principal ordered that everyone should submit their assignments by tomorrow.
    3.       Direct: The supervisor said, "Let him complete the task before the deadline."
    Indirect: The supervisor ordered that he should complete the task before the deadline.
    4.       Direct: The manager said, “Let the employees attend the training workshop."
    Indirect: The manager ordered that the employees should attend the training workshop.

    Optative Sentences

    Optative Sentences मे wish, curse, या pray का भाव प्रकट होता है। तथा वाक्य ’May’ से शुरू होता है। Optative Sentences को Direct से Indirect में बदलते समय निम्न नियमों का प्रयोग करते हैं-
    1. Reporting Verb को Reported Speech के भाव के अनुसार wished, cursed, या prayed मे बदल देते हैं।
    2. Conjunction ‘that’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।
    3.Tense, Person तथा निकटता सूचक शब्दों मे Assertive Sentence के नियमों का पालन करते हैं।
    4. Reported Speech में यदि ‘Good morning’ आया हो तो Conjunction ‘that’ का नहीं प्रयोग करते हैं।
    5. Reported Speech में यदि Good night, Good bye आदि Parting सूचित करने वाले शब्द आए हों तो Reporting Verb said को bade मे बदल देते है तथा Conjunction ‘that’ का नहीं प्रयोग करते हैं।

    For example

     1.    Direct: She said, "May you have a successful presentation!"
    Indirect: She wished that I would have a successful presentation.
    2.       Direct: They said, "May we all find peace and happiness!"
    Indirect: They wished that we would all find peace and happiness.
    3.       Direct: He said, "May your dreams come true!"
    Indirect: He wished that my dreams would come true.
    4.       Direct: The coach said, "May the team achieve great success!"
    Indirect: The coach wished that the team would achieve great success.
    5.       Direct: My boss said, "May you have a safe journey!"
    Indirect: My boss wished that I would have a safe journey.
    6.       Direct: They said, "May the festival bring joy to everyone's hearts!"
    Indirect: They wished that the festival would bring joy to everyone's hearts.
    7.       Direct: The mentor said, "May your efforts be rewarded!"
    Indirect: The mentor wished that my efforts would be rewarded.
    8.       Direct: The speaker said, “May the new year bring prosperity and happiness!"
    Indirect: The speaker wished that the New Year would bring prosperity and happiness.
    9.       Direct: She said, "May you find love and fulfillment in your life!"
    Indirect: She wished that I would find love and fulfillment in my life.
    10.   Direct: I said to my teacher, "Good morning!"
    Indirect: I wished my teacher good morning.
    11.   Direct: Rahul said to me, "Goodbye, have a happy journey!"
    Indirect: Rahul bade me goodbye and wished happy journey.

    Exclamatory Sentences

    Exclamatory Sentence से प्रसन्नता, शोक, दुख, हर्ष या आश्चर्य आदि प्रकट होते हैं। Reported Speech, मे Interjection, Hurrah से joy, Alas से sorrow, तथा Bravo से approval प्रकट होता है। Exclamatory Sentences को Direct से Indirect में बदलते समय निम्न नियमों का प्रयोग करते हैं-
    1.      Comma तथा Inverted Commas को हटाकर Conjunction ‘that’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।
    2.     Exclamation sign (!) को हटाकर Full stop (.) का प्रयोग करते हैं।
    3. Reporting Verb को Reported Speech के भाव के अनुसार exclaimed with joy, या delight | exclaimed with sorrow, या grief | praised या applauded मे बदल देते हैं।
    4.      Reported Speech मे यदि ‘what a’ या ‘how’ आया हो तो इनके स्थान पर very या great शब्द का प्रयोग करते हैं। (what a या how के बाद यदि Noun हो तो इसे great मे तथा इनके बाद यदि Adjective आया हो तो इन्हे very मे बदल देते हैं।)
    5.      यदि वाक्य मे Good Heaven का प्रयोग हो तो Reporting Verb को   exclaimed with regret या surprise मे बदल देते हैं।
    6.      Tense, Person तथा निकटता सूचक शब्दों मे Assertive Sentence के नियमों का पालन करते हैं।
    For example

    1.     Direct: They said, "Hurrah! We won the match!"
    Indirect: They exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
    2.      Direct: She said, "Alas! The concert is canceled."
    Indirect: She exclaimed with sorrow that the concert was canceled.
    3.      Direct: The audience exclaimed, "Bravo! What an incredible performance!"
    Indirect: The audience applauded that the performance was incredible.
    4.      Direct: He said,  "Ah! What a beautiful sight!"
    Indirect: He exclaimed with wonder that the sight was very beautiful.
    5.      Direct: She said, "Oh no! I missed the train."
    Indirect: She exclaimed with disappointment that she had missed the train.
    6.      Direct: The boys said, "Hurray! It will be a holiday tomorrow."
    Indirect: The boys exclaimed with joy that it would be a holiday the next day.
    7.      Direct: The judge said to them, "Bravo! Well done on your performance."
    Indirect: The judge applauded them on their performance.
    8.      Direct: She said, "What a beautiful sunset!"
    Indirect: She exclaimed with joy that the sunset was very beautiful.
    9.      Direct: He said, "How delicious this food is!"
    Indirect: He exclaimed in delight that the food was very delicious.