Letter writing is a timeless practice that involves composing and sending a written message to someone else via paper and pen, or a computer and email. Letters can serve various purposes, such as personal, business, academic, or professional communication. Writing a letter requires a certain level of skill and attention to detail, and there are specific guidelines you can follow to ensure that your message is effective.

To start, it's essential to determine the purpose of your letter. Whether you want to inform, persuade, request, or express gratitude, knowing your intention will help you focus your message and choose the appropriate tone. Additionally, selecting the right format is crucial. Formal letters are generally used for business or academic purposes and follow a standard format, while informal letters are more casual and personal.

By following these guidelines, you can create a well-crafted letter that meets your communication needs. Whether you are writing a personal note or a business proposal, taking the time to compose a thoughtful message can make a significant impact on the recipient.

How To Write A Letter | Sample Letters

    Type of letters

    Letters can be classified into two main types according to the purpose of the letter.

    Informal Letters- also known as Social Letters, include Friendly Letters and Notes of Invitations.

    Formal Letters- also known as Business Letters, include Letters of Application, Letters to Higher Authorities, and Letters to Newspapers.

    Informal Letter

    An informal letter is a personal letter that is written to someone you know well, such as a friend, family member, or acquaintance. The tone of an informal letter is generally more casual and friendly than a formal letter. When writing an informal letter, you are free to use colloquial language, which would be quite out of place in a formal letter. This does not mean that you can pen down random thoughts that are totally disconnected and make no sense. Wrong spelling, punctuation and grammar are not allowed even though the letter is informal and personal.

    Key features of an informal letter:

    Salutation - Begin the letter with a friendly greeting, such as "Dear [Name]," or "Hi [Name],"

    Introduction - Start the letter with a brief introduction and ask about the recipient's well-being.

    Body - The body of the letter is where you can share personal news, stories, and anecdotes. You can also ask questions and show interest in the recipient's life.

    Closing - End the letter with a warm closing, such as "Take care," "Yours truly," or "Love."

    Signature - Sign your name at the end of the letter.

    Postscript - You can add a postscript (P.S.) at the end of the letter to include any additional thoughts or information.

    Format - Informal letters do not follow a strict format like formal letters. They can be written in a friendly and conversational style.

    Overall, an informal letter should be written in a friendly and personal style, and should reflect the relationship between the sender and the recipient. 

    Formal Letter

    Formal letters or Business letters should be clear and concise. You should always remember that formal letters are written to bring important information into consideration, so you should always take care to draft the letter carefully by providing only the necessary information.

    The language used in formal letters is a lot more professional than informal letters. The format of formal letters is the same as explained above, with a few additions, viz., ‘the Receiver’s Address’, ‘Subject’ and ‘Signature’.

    A formal letter is a letter that is written for official or professional purposes. It is typically used for business communication, job applications, legal matters, or any situation where a professional tone is required.

    Key features of a formal letter:

    Sender's Address - Include your name, address, and contact information at the top of the letter.

    Date - Include the date on which the letter is being written.

    Recipient's Address - Include the recipient's name, title, company name, and address.

    Subject - Write the purpose of the letter.

    Salutation - Begin the letter with a formal salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Last Name],"

    Introduction - Start with a brief introduction and state the purpose of the letter.

    Body -
    The body of the letter is where you provide the details related to the purpose of the letter. Use clear and concise language and organize the information in a logical manner.

    Closing -
    End the letter with a polite closing, such as "Sincerely," "Respectfully," or "Yours truly."

    Signature -
    Sign your name at the end of the letter.

    Enclosures - If you are sending any additional documents along with the letter, mention them at the end of the letter.

    Format - Formal letters follow a specific format, and it is important to use a professional tone throughout the letter.

    Overall, a formal letter should be written in a professional tone, with clear and concise language. It should be well-organized and follow the appropriate format for the specific type of letter being written.

    General formats for different types of letters:

    Formal Letter Format

    Sender's Name

    Sender's Address


    Recipient's Name

    Recipient's Address

    (Sub: ………)

    Salutation (Dear Sir/Madam, or Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name)

    First Paragraph: Introduction and purpose of the letter

    Second Paragraph: Supporting details and information

    Third Paragraph: Conclusion and call to action (if necessary)

    Closing and Signature


    [Your name and signature]

    Enclosures (if any)

    Informal Letter (Personal Letter) Format

    Sender's Name

    Sender's Address


    Salutation (Dear First Name)

    First Paragraph: Introduction and purpose of the letter

    Second Paragraph: Supporting details and information

    Third Paragraph: Conclusion and call to action (if necessary)


    Closing and Signature

    Best regards,

    [Your name]

    Parts of Speech | Parts of Speech Definitions And Examples
    Literary Devices/Figures Of Speech

    Business Letter Format

    Sender's Name

    Sender's Address


    Recipient's Name

    Recipient's Address

    (Sub: ………) 

    Salutation (Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name)

    First Paragraph: Introduction and purpose of the letter

    Second Paragraph: Supporting details and information

    Third Paragraph: Conclusion and call to action (if necessary) 

    Closing and Signature


    [Your name and signature]

    Enclosures (if any)

    Note: The above formats are general guidelines. Depending on the specific purpose and content of the letter, you may need to adjust the format accordingly.


    Some samples of different kind of letters

    Sample of informal  letters

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. It has been a while since we last spoke, and I wanted to take the time to write to you and catch up.

    Since we last spoke, a lot has happened in my life. I recently started a new job as a software engineer, and it has been both challenging and fulfilling. I have also started taking up photography as a hobby, and it has been a great way for me to relax and unwind after work.

    How about you? What have you been up to? I would love to hear about your recent adventures and experiences.

    In addition to catching up, I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for being such an important part of my life. Your friendship and support have meant the world to me, and I am grateful for the memories we have shared over the years.

    Please know that I am always here for you, no matter what. If you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on, I am just a phone call away.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope to hear from you soon and catch up on everything in more detail.

    Take care and all the best.


    [Your Name]

    Samples of formal letters

    Business letter

    [Your Name]

    [Your Company Name]

    [Your Address]

    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    [Your Email Address]


    [Recipient's Name]

    [Recipient's Title]

    [Company Name]


    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    Subject: Follow-Up Meeting Request Regarding [the subject of the meeting]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I am writing to follow up on our recent meeting about [the subject of the meeting]. I appreciate the time you took to meet with me and discuss the [product/service] that my company offers.

    As we discussed, my company specializes in [briefly describe your company's products or services]. We have worked with many clients in [your industry/niche] and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions.

    I would like to schedule another meeting with you to discuss the possibility of working together. I believe that our [product/service] would be a good fit for your company, and I would like to share more information with you about how we can help you achieve your business goals.

    Please let me know if you are available for a follow-up meeting next week. I will call your office next Tuesday to confirm the appointment.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you again soon.


    [Your Name]


    Cover letter

    [Your Name]

    [Your Address]

    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    [Your Email Address]

    [Today's Date]


    [Recipient's Name]

    [Recipient's Title]

    [Company Name]


    [City, State, ZIP Code]


    Subject: Application for [Position Title] at [Company Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Title] role that is currently available at [Company Name]. I came across this job opening on [where you found the job listing] and was immediately drawn to the opportunity to work for your company.

    As a highly motivated and skilled [Your Current Position], I believe that I would be an excellent fit for this position. I have [number of years] years of experience in [relevant experience], and I am confident that I possess the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in this role.

    In my current position at [Your Current Company], I have been responsible for [briefly describe your key responsibilities]. I have also had the opportunity to [describe any notable achievements or accomplishments]. Through these experiences, I have developed strong skills in [relevant skills].

    In addition to my work experience, I hold a [Degree/Certification] in [Field of Study] from [University Name]. This has given me a solid foundation in [relevant knowledge or skills], which I believe will be valuable in the [Position Title] role.

    I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your team at [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.


    [Your Name]


    Complaint letter

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]
    [Your Email Address]
    [Today's Date]

    [Recipient's Name]
    [Recipient's Title]
    [Company Name]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    Subject: Complaint Regarding [Product/Service]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the [Product/Service] that I recently purchased from your company. I purchased the product on [Purchase Date] and it was delivered to me on [Delivery Date].

    Unfortunately, the product that was delivered to me was defective. [Describe the defect or issue in detail]. This has caused me significant inconvenience and frustration, as I had planned to use the product for [Intended Purpose].

    I attempted to contact your customer service department on [Date], but was put on hold for an extended period of time and then disconnected. I made multiple attempts to contact your company via phone and email, but received no response.

    I am extremely disappointed in the quality of your product and the lack of customer service that I have received. As a loyal customer, I expect better from your company. I request an immediate replacement of the defective product or a full refund of my purchase price.

    I hope that this matter can be resolved promptly and to my satisfaction. I look forward to hearing back from you with a solution to this issue.


    [Your Name]


    Invitation letter

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]
    [Your Email Address]
    [Today's Date]

    [Recipient's Name]
    [Recipient's Title]
    [Organization/Company Name]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    Subject: Invitation to [Event Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I would like to cordially invite you to attend [Event Name], which will be held on [Event Date] at [Event Location]. The event will start at [Event Time] and will last until approximately [Event End Time].

    [Provide details about the event, including its purpose, schedule, and any notable guests or speakers who will be attending. Make sure to emphasize why this event is important and why the recipient should attend.]

    We believe that your participation in this event would be valuable, and we would be honored to have you as our guest. Your attendance would not only help to support our cause, but also provide you with the opportunity to network with other industry professionals and gain valuable insights into [relevant topic].

    Please RSVP by [RSVP Date] to confirm your attendance. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

    Thank you for considering this invitation. We look forward to seeing you at [Event Name].


    [Your Name]


    Recommendation letter

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]
    [Your Email Address]
    [Today's Date]

    [Recipient's Name]
    [Recipient's Title]
    [Organization/Company Name]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    Subject: Recommendation for [Name of Person Being Recommended] for [Purpose of Recommendation]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I am writing to highly recommend [Name of Person Being Recommended] for [Purpose of Recommendation]. I have had the pleasure of working with [Name of Person Being Recommended] for [Length of Time or Specific Project], and I can attest to their exceptional [Skills, Abilities, or Qualities].

    [Provide specific examples of the person's accomplishments or attributes, and how they have contributed to your organization or team. Try to use quantifiable metrics or specific examples to add credibility to your recommendation.]

    In addition to their professional skills, [Name of Person Being Recommended] is an excellent team player and a pleasure to work with. They consistently demonstrate a positive attitude and a willingness to go above and beyond to ensure the success of any project they are involved in.

    Overall, I believe that [Name of Person Being Recommended] would be a valuable asset to any organization or team. I strongly recommend them for [Purpose of Recommendation], and I am confident that they will excel in any role they undertake.

    If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].


    [Your Name]

    Parts of Speech | Parts of Speech Definitions And Examples
    Literary Devices/Figures Of Speech

    Reference letter

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]
    [Your Email Address]
    [Today's Date]

    [Recipient's Name]
    [Recipient's Title]
    [Organization/Company Name]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    Subject: Reference for [Name of Person Being Referenced]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I am writing to provide a reference for [Name of Person Being Referenced], who has requested my assistance in their job search. I have had the pleasure of working with [Name of Person Being Referenced] for [Length of Time or Specific Project], and I can attest to their exceptional [Skills, Abilities, or Qualities].

    [Provide specific examples of the person's accomplishments or attributes, and how they have contributed to your organization or team. Try to use quantifiable metrics or specific examples to add credibility to your reference.]

    In addition to their professional skills, [Name of Person Being Referenced] is an excellent team player and a pleasure to work with. They consistently demonstrate a positive attitude and a willingness to go above and beyond to ensure the success of any project they are involved in.

    I believe that [Name of Person Being Referenced] would be a valuable asset to any organization or team. They have my highest recommendation for any position they may be applying for.

    If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].


    [Your Name]

    Resignation letter

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]
    [Your Email Address]
    [Today's Date]

    [Recipient's Name]
    [Recipient's Title]
    [Organization/Company Name]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    Subject: Resignation Letter - [Your Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    It is with regret that I am submitting my resignation from my position as [Your Position] at [Organization/Company Name], effective [Resignation Date]. I have enjoyed my time at [Organization/Company Name] and appreciate the opportunities for professional development that I have been given during my tenure here.

    [Provide a brief explanation for your resignation, if desired. It is not necessary to go into too much detail, but a courteous explanation can be helpful.]

    I will do everything possible to ensure a smooth transition during this period. I am willing to help train my replacement and ensure that all of my responsibilities are properly transferred before my last day of work.

    I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you and the rest of the management team for your support, guidance, and leadership during my time at [Organization/Company Name]. I have learned a great deal from my colleagues and appreciate all that I have gained from this experience.

    Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do to make the transition process easier. Thank you again for the opportunity to work with such a great team.


    [Your Name]


    Thank-you letter

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]
    [Your Email Address]
    [Today's Date]

    [Recipient's Name]
    [Recipient's Title]
    [Organization/Company Name]
    [City, State, ZIP Code]

    Subject: Thank You Letter

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I would like to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for [Reason for Thank You]. [Describe what specifically you are thankful for, using specific examples if possible].

    Your [gesture, action, contribution, etc.] has made a significant impact on [Describe how the person's actions have affected you or others, using specific examples if possible]. It is because of your [quality, skill, expertise, etc.] that [what they accomplished or contributed] was made possible.

    I appreciate all the time and effort you have put into [the project, task, event, etc.] and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with someone as dedicated and skilled as you. Your contributions have been invaluable to the success of [project, task, event, etc.]

    Once again, thank you for everything that you have done. I hope to have the opportunity to work with you again in the future.


    [Your Name]


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q.1. What are the various types of letters?

    Ans. Broadly there are two types of letters – Formal Letters and Informal Letters but the classification of letters are also based on the contents, formalities, the purpose of letter writing etc.

    Q.2. What are formal letters?

    Ans. Formal letters are written communications used in professional or official settings. They are typically written for business purposes, such as job applications, complaint letters, inquiries, or to communicate with government agencies. Formal letters are usually structured and formatted in a specific way and should follow a professional tone.

    Formal letters typically include the sender's and recipient's address, the date, a formal salutation, a clear purpose or subject of the letter, a well-structured body with clear and concise language, a formal closing, and the sender's signature. The tone of a formal letter should be professional, polite, and respectful.

    Q.3. What are the types of formal letter?

    Ans. There are various types of formal letters that are used for different purposes. Here are some of the most common types of formal letters:

    Job Application Letters - Used to apply for a job or a position in an organization.

    Business Letters - Used to communicate with clients, customers, and other businesses, such as sales letters, letters of introduction, and customer service correspondence.

    Cover Letters - Used to accompany a resume when applying for a job, highlighting relevant skills and qualifications.

    Inquiry Letters - Used to request information from an organization or to inquire about job vacancies.

    Complaint Letters - Used to report a problem, express dissatisfaction, or request a solution.

    Reference Letters - Used to provide a recommendation for an individual for employment, academic admission, or other purposes.

    Resignation Letters - Used to formally resign from a job or position.

    Official Letters - Used for communication with government agencies, courts, and other official bodies.

    Request Letters - Used to request something, such as a meeting, a favor, or permission.

    Each of these types of formal letters has its own format and style, depending on the specific purpose of the letter and the audience being addressed.

    Q.4. What are the Informal letters?

    Ans. Informal letters are written communications used in personal or casual settings. They are typically written to friends, family members, acquaintances, or colleagues. The tone of informal letters is usually conversational and friendly, and the style is less structured than that of formal letters.

    Informal letters usually start with a greeting such as "Dear [Name]," or "Hi [Name],". They often include personal information about the writer, such as details about their life or current events. Informal letters may also include questions, comments, or reactions to things that the recipient has shared. They often end with a friendly closing such as "Love," "Best regards," or "Take care," followed by the writer's name.

    Informal letters are often used to stay in touch with friends and family, to share news, or to catch up on each other's lives. They can also be used to thank someone, to apologize for something, or to offer condolences.

    Overall, informal letters are less structured and follow fewer conventions than formal letters. They allow for a more personal and conversational tone, and are used primarily for personal communication.

    Q 5. How a formal Letter is written?

    Ans. To write a formal letter, follow these guidelines:

    1. Start with the sender's address and the date.

    2. Write the recipient's address.

    3. Use an appropriate salutation.

    4. Write an introduction that states the purpose of the letter.

    5. Provide background information or supporting details in the body of the letter.

    6. Use clear and concise language and avoid using contractions or slang.

    7. Use a formal closing and sign the letter.

    8. Use proper formatting, such as using a standard font and spacing.

    9. Check for grammar and spelling errors before sending the letter.